网店系统升级很快,一年升级几次,性能是提升了,但是用户升级转移数据那可麻烦了,有没办法屏蔽掉升级提示与PHP组件缺少提示? 网告诉大家方法: 在PrestaShop找到admin1\themes\default\template\controllers\home\content.tpl 大概34到45行
{if $upgrade}
<div id="blockNewVersionCheck">
{if $upgrade->need_upgrade}
<div class="warning warn" style="margin-bottom:10px;"><h3>{l s='A new version of PrestaShop is available.'} : <a style="text-decoration: underline;" href="{$upgrade->link}" target="_blank">{l s='Download'} {$upgrade->version_name}</a> !</h3></div>
<p>{l s='Update notifications are unavailable'}</p>
<p> </p>
<p>{l s='To receive PrestaShop update warnings, you need to activate you account. '} <b>allow_url_fopen</b> [<a href="{$isoUser}/ref.filesystem.php">{l s='more info on'}</a>]</p>
<p>{l s='If you don\'t know how to do this, please contact your hosting provider!'}</p><br />
找到以上代码删除。 前半部分
{if $upgrade->need_upgrade}
<div class="warning warn" style="margin-bottom:10px;"><h3>{l s='A new version of PrestaShop is available.'} : <a style="text-decoration: underline;" href="{$upgrade->link}" target="_blank">{l s='Download'} {$upgrade->version_name}</a> !</h3></div>
<p>{l s='Update notifications are unavailable'}</p>
<p> </p>
<p>{l s='To receive PrestaShop update warnings, you need to activate you account. '} <b>allow_url_fopen</b> [<a href="{$isoUser}/ref.filesystem.php">{l s='more info on'}</a>]</p>
<p>{l s='If you don\'t know how to do this, please contact your hosting provider!'}</p><br />
后半部分是删除环境缺少组件。 (责任编辑:好模板) |