外贸工作中,我们经常要跟客户谈付款方式,对于大的订单,很多客户可能只愿意付少量的订金,比方说付5%的订金,10%的订金之类的。 有一次一个朋友问我一个问题:
我写了封这样的邮件,大家可以参考一下,不建议套用这个模板,套用模板的人多了,效果就会大打折扣。 Recently we are going to extend a factory building, we have paid much money to construction company, so now we don't have enough cash at hand.
As per understanding, the normal payment terms are 30% deposit & balance 70%against shipment. 客户同意付30%的订金了。 再说一种情况:
有很多客户,发了PI后他们迟迟不付款,不过交货期又比较急,他们确实需要采购,不过付款就是喜欢拖。这种事情也会经常碰到。 Hi, To deliver xxx in time, we want to schedule your order. Our boss asked me when will you pay us. Could you kindly let us know when will you pay us? 这样发过去之后,大部分客户会尽快付款,有些不会,不过至少会坦诚地告诉你们具体的付款日期。 (责任编辑:好模板) |