zencart是老外开发的电子商务系统,同国内系统比较代码比较复杂,数据库表多,部分内容修改可能找不到地方,比如好模板今天说到的zencart Gift Certificate FAQ 内容修改,谷歌上搜索到的很多办法都是错误的,好模板提供方法。 找到includes\languages\english\gv_faq.php 文件,若语言库是其他同样english替换位置
gv_faq.php 里 比如: define('SUB_HEADING_TEXT','If you have funds in your ' . TEXT_GV_NAME . ' Account, you can use those funds to purchase other items in our store. At the checkout stage, an extra box will appear. Enter the amount to apply from the funds in your ' . TEXT_GV_NAME . ' Account. Please note, you will still have to select ldhost.cn and another payment method if there is not enough in your ' . TEXT_GV_NAME . ' Account to cover the cost of your purchase.. If you have more funds in your ' . TEXT_GV_NAME . ' Account than the total cost of your purchase the balance will be left in your ' . TEXT_GV_NAME . ' Account for the future.'); break; case '4': 这里的英文内容与前台相对应,注意修改别替换了默认的PHP语句,请采用EditPlus或notepad++ 好模板提供,转载注明网址! (责任编辑:好模板) |