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时间:2016-06-06 08:49来源:未知 作者:好模板 点击:
It's the same for domestic and foreign country to care much about the relation net. They also like courtesy demands reciprocity, especially the friendship after meeting, because it's easy for them to choose you as their long-term supplier. So let me show you how to visit customers and build relation better.
Why we visit customers?
Customers consist of cooperative customers and uncooperative customers. 
1. 客户选择适合自己的工厂难
It's hard for customers to select the suitable factories.
The competition in China is harsh for there are so many factories. And it's not only for customers to select the suitable factories but also hard for them to know clearly about the actual situation of companies.
2. 客户选择适合自己市场的产品难
It's hard for customers to choose the right products for their market.
There are so many different products that customers cannot distinguish the products as well as how to select the products.
3. 对中国质量没有信心
They have no confidence in the quality of Chinese products.
Customers can't touch the products through phones, emails or websites, so they suspect about the quality of products. If your company is new established or has no popularity or certain word of mouth, they are no assured about the quality.
4. 合作谈判周期太长
The time spending on negotiation and cooperation is too long.
Customers usually are on vacation and don't reply the emails. So it may takes half year, even disappearing, from sending emails to give order of samples.
5. 研发和设计不知道市场的方向是什么,凭空造新产品,心里没底
R & D and designing department people don't know clearly about the direction of the market, so they design and introduce new products unreasonably.
What kinds of products are good products? It's up to the market, so market is the only standard to examine.
6. 建立友好的长期合作贸易伙伴关系
Establish friendly and long-term relationship of cooperation partner.
Foreign countries care much about the relation net like China and they like courtesy demands reciprocity, especially the friendship after meeting, which it's easy to make them select as their long-term supplier.
7. 合作客户的客诉,经常很难通过邮件或者电话表达清楚
Customers complain that it's hard to make them be understood clearly through email or phones.
Customers would tell you the information clearly face to face, which include all the problems may appear in cooperation, and they can show you the materials at spot. Additionally, the feedback is more direct and effective.
8. 加快新产品的推广速度或者降低新产品的风险,快速收到市场反馈
Accelerate the speed of popularizing new products, reduce the risk of new products and attain the market feedbacks quickly.
When we develop a new product, we need to send the sample to foreign customers to find out whether they have any suggestion or anything need to improve or something else. But customers usually take a long time to reply. Finally, we have to open mold and produce small amount of products. Then customers would demand to change something, but at that time, we have no way to change them.
The key points of visiting customers
1.  更直观地把公司的优势、实力展示给客户
Show the strength and abilities of company to customers more directly
It's recommended to have meetings by using PPT with senior customer.
2.  选出适合客户市场的TOP10-20款产品+新产品
Select the TOP10-20 products and new products which suit the market of customers.
Refine the selling points of products, and send the accurate information to customers as well as display at spot to let them know the strengths of the products and why you choose the products.
3.  树立客户对我们公司品质的信心
Build customers' confidence of products of our company
provide some certificates
offer the laboratory test report
show the strict quality system of company in PPT
Collect more good comments from other customers as the proof
The quality of samples must be perfect for it's the most direct examination of your quality.
4.  把合作周期缩短到最短
Shorten the cooperation time at most.
If you have enough products and customers have interest in some of them, you can leave one sample to their company.
5.  精准定位新产品的研发方向
Position the development direction of new products precisely.
找到市场上热卖的产品(包括客户网站上面的best seller)+公司近期想要研发的产品,或者设计师设计好的一些产品直接给客户看,他会告诉你他的观点,喜欢还是不喜欢或者有什么建议。
Find out the popular products in market which consist of the best seller on customers' websites and the products they want to develop recently. Or show customers directly the products has been designed by designers, and tell then your opinion that you like them or not or any suggestion.
6.  邀请客户来拜访工厂Invite customers to visit your factory.
The well-relation customers are more willing to communicate with you. And the most important thing is that customers would admire your profession, so you will have more initiative of later cooperation.
7.  让合作客户帮助你们公司提高自己
Let customers to help your company improve.
Pass on the information of customers' complain with picture and character and the samples given by your customers to the quality and engineering department of company to make changes. What's more, arrange the customers' opinions of designing and developing in papers to the development department.
8.  第一时间通知到工厂研发部门,产品需要改进的地方,降低开模的损失
In order to reduce the loss of opening mode, inform the Research and development department of factory at once when something of products need to change